
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Express same day delivery of high-quality flower bouquets by Lily’s Florist 

Next to your sense of sight, your sense of smell is the next best thing you can use to go back memory lane. A simple whiff can already bring back a moment, memorable for its tears of sadness or joy and whether it hurts you or not...nostalgia makes you feel more alive.

So do flowers! Experience the power of a fragrant flower with Lily’s Florist, where you can get a dose of inspiration through flowers the same day. Same-day flowers can be ordered by 2 PM on a weekday and 10 AM on a Saturday.

We are your top choice of online delivery florist. Our team is composed of reputable partner florists who have trained well in the art of floristry to provide you with irresistible designs of flower bouquets for your celebrations and important events. Lily’s Florist’s fresh flowers exude the same beauty and appeal regardless if it will be delivered as a birthday gift or a sympathy offering.

You need to visit our website now and rave over our themed floral creations, handcrafted with passion. Order online using your iPhone, Android phone, and desktop computer and pay securely and easily via your Paypal account or your VISA, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards.

What your favourite flower scent say about you

Lavender – You sometimes give mixed signals which makes a person confused whether you like them or not. You might want to try to be a little more direct and transparent so you would not be wasting time not saying if it’s really a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO.’

Jasmine – If you like the scent of Jasmine, chances are you are the free-spirited person almost everyone loves to be with. You make sure that the vibe is always a positive one because you feel uncomfortable when there is tension around.

Honeysuckle – Memories of the past are your favourite topic whenever you share conversations with anyone. Your childhood may be too happy or memorable that you cannot help but relive the stories again and again when you get the chance.

Peonies – Those who love the peony scent are known to be driven in anything they do. Give them a task and they will do it the extra mile!
Which scent are you? Get your flowers scents from our flowers here at Lily’s Florist.