
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Hand-arranged flower bouquets and bunches delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

An hour can give you a lot. It gives you time for a meal, time to watch an episode, time to read a chapter of a book, and a time to comfort someone and show them how much they mean to you. An hour may seem too short to express your intentions fully but with flowers...it can be done completely.

Put your thoughts into action and express yourself right away when you send same-day flowers by Lily’s Florist!

Welcome to the club of flowers lovers! Lily’s Florist delivers fresh hand-arranged flower bouquets and bunches to your front door in Wickham the same day. Your family and friends will love our whole collection of themed flower arrangement, handmade by our skilled partner florists and delivered pronto to your recipient.

Our same-day flower delivery services apply to orders processed by 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays.

The Lily’s Florist website can be viewed by using your iPhone, Android phone, or desktop computer. Peruse through our different flower categories to select the right bouquet or floral and plant gift for your recipient.

Once you have selected your flower bouquet, you can...

Pair it up with our extra cool gift items like teddy bear, chocolates, or a bottle of sparkling;

Save a lot by using our voucher code or checking our flowers on sale, 15% off, and under $50;

Pay hassle-free online via Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards.

Flowers for comfort for you and your loved ones by Lily’s Florist 

Get Well Flowers – Knowing that a person we love or care for is not feeling well may worry us especially when we cannot visit them right away at home or in the hospital. Lily’s Florist’s flowers are especially designed to offer comfort and aid recovery to your loved ones and friends who are feeling unwell. Our team delivers to hospitals the same day, please provide the hospital and contact details of the recipient.

Best Buy: Our set-in-a-box Yellow Lily Arrangement

Sympathy Flowers – Losing someone dear might leave a hole in the heart. Maybe there are no words or acts that can fill this hole but a gesture of kindness and concern might heal it. Lily’s Florist delivers Sympathy flowers to funeral homes and cemeteries.

Best Buy: Classic White Wreath