
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Get your special someone a little surprise today by ordering flowers at Lily’s Florist. We have the perfect “just because” gifts ideal for turning someone’s ordinary day extraordinary. A posy of yellow blossoms or a bunch of pastel flowers plus a little sweet treat in the form of chocolates is enough to bring a huge difference to your loved one’s day.

Browse our flower gift collection and find the perfect for-no-reason gift for your special someone.

Bayswater Mon-Sat Same-Day Delivery

We have a super-fast same-day delivery service applicable for flower orders placed Monday to Friday before 2PM and Saturday before 10AM. We deliver bouquets, flower arrangements, and gift hampers to addresses around Golden Pebble Hotel, Bayswater West Primary School, Bayswater South Primary School, The Melbourne Eastern Private Hospital, and Marie Wallace Bayswater Park.

Order now and let a local florist in Bayswater take care of your urgent fresh flower needs.

Send Fresh Flowers to Bayswater, Melbourne

Part of Lily’s Florist flower collection are floral arrangements for different occasions. We have the most colourful birthday bouquets and the most romantic anniversary roses. Find thank you flowers, new baby floral gifts, sympathy flowers, and I’m sorry flowers. Floral gifts for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Secretary’s Day are also available depending on season.

You can add chcoolates, a glass vase, a basket of fresh fruits, or a teddy bear to any flower arrangement to make it even more special.

Hand-Arranged Bouquets by Local Bayswater Florists

All floral designs from Lily’s Florist are meticulously prepared by talented local florists. We have partner Bayswater florists who share the commitment and passion as us in delivering fresh flower gifts that speak to the heart.

Shop with confidence! At Lily’s Florist, you can always find something that will suit your taste, your budget, and the occasion.