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Same Day Delivery
Turn to Lily’s Florist for hand-arranged bouquets delivered same day! We have a large variety of fresh flower gifts including roses with chocolates, bouquets with wine, and gift hampers. Shop now and send positive vibes to someone’s way through fresh flowers.

Buy Bouquets Online to Glenroy

Boost a loved one’s mood by surprising her with an ensemble of colourful blossoms. Buy a bunch or bouquet at Lily’s Florist and let your little gift aid in reducing stress and improving the recipient’s wellbeing. You sure know how the look of cheerful yellow daisies and vibrant orange gerberas can remind you of long summer days and moments filled with sunshine. The classy look of tulips, on the other hand, makes us appreciate new beginnings. Roses, of course, signify love.

Send a flower gift today and let the therapeutic effect of flowers work its magic.

Fresh Cut Flowers Daily

Shop for flower gifts online at Lily’s Florist. We offer a very convenient way of sending bouquets and flower arrangements to your family, friends, and loved ones in Melbourne. Our online flower shop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can do your flower shopping at any time, from anywhere in the world. Timezone differences shouldn’t prevent you from reaching out to your loved ones far away.

Order a flower gift online and we’ll take care of the prompt delivery of your flower gift.

Glenroy Flowers Delivered Same Day

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets, bunches, gift hampers, and flower arrangements to residential and commercial addresses in Glenroy. So whether you need a bouquet sent to someone’s home or workplace, or a flower arrangement sent to a hospital or aged care facility, you can count on us.

Just make sure your cart is ready for check-out before 2PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery. Please place an order before 10AM for Saturday same-day delivery.

Order a superb ensemble of carnations, gerberas, fragrant lilies, and spray roses today. Trust us, your little can gift can make a huge difference in your loved one’s day.