
Featured Flowers

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Lily’s Florist high-quality flower bouquets delivered the same day

With flowers you can...
Level-up romance with red roses;
Cheer up the lonely with yellow daisies;
Honor the departed with white lilies;
Apologize from the heart with pink carnations.
When there are moments when you cannot express your emotions out loud, there are two things you can do – write a letter or send flowers. But then there is the dilemma of not knowing the right words to say leaving you with an option we highly recommend, express yourself through flowers!
Here at Lily’s Florist, we care about your heart and how it wants to reach out to people who matter most. Because of this, we have partnered with the most talented network of florists to provide you with handcrafted flower creations which feature locally-sourced flowers, freshly picked from the best flower farms.
Order the same day by ordering before 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays. Check our collection of themed flower bouquets, plants, and gift hampers when you browse through our website using your Iphone, Android phone, laptop, or desktop computers. Pay without hassle through our secure payment gateways like VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards as well as Paypal.
Lily’s Florist Featured Flower Colour of the Day

What’s in a colour? The hue of any colour gives life to the eyes. It stimulates your visual senses and influences the way you feel and think. There is a lot to learn about colours and one of which is how it reflects in flowers.
Let’s talk about red flowers.

Red flowers do not only represent love but it also describes the heightened state of every emotion whether it’s sad, happy, romantic or platonic. It also symbolises passion, bravery, and fierceness. For some people, they reserve giving red flowers to those closest to them like friends, family, and loved ones.

Here at Lily's Florist, we have a collection of red flower arrangements you can choose from and pair it  with our exciting gift items like teddy bears, balloons, and a box of chocolates.

Our set-in-a-box floral sets can offer your Red Arrangement, Red Ruby Arrangement, and Red Roses Arrangement. We also have Red Bunch, Single Wrapped Red Rose, Rose Fire Bunch, and Red Roses Bunch Arrangements.

All red flowers arrangement are available for same day delivery, only here at Lily’s Florist.