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Same Day Delivery
When you need a flower gift that’s packed with freshness, beauty, and impact, just shop online at Lily’s Florist. We are a top-rated online flower shop offering a large selection of bouquets and flower arrangements perfect as gift to celebrate all of life’s milestones. Whether it’s a wedding anniversary, birthday, a new baby, an accomplishment, or a milestone in your relationship, our local flower experts can create a stunning floral display that expressively demonstrates the love, joy, pride, or excitement you feel.

Same-Day Bouquet Delivery to North Melbourne

We are your best source for quality flower gifts that are impressive in style and value. Our online flower shop is a safe and secure portal where you can easily find the floral design you need and conveniently arrange a flower delivery to your loved ones in North Melbourne. Shop using your mobile phone or computer, at any time of day or night! You can order flowers from wherever you are in the world, at a time most convenient to you.
Our network will be in charge of the skillful preparation and reliable delivery of your flower gift. Order before 10AM Saturday and before 2PM Monday to Friday for same-day delivery. 

Superb Quality Flower Arrangements 

You can count on our local florists to deliver fresh flowers to anywhere in the inner suburb of North Melbourne that’s 2km northwest of CBD. We deliver not just to residential addresses but also to commercial and industrial areas. 

Send flowers to a loved one’s home or workplace, to a school, church, or hospital, even to a funeral home through Lily’s Florist. We guarantee hassle-free flower ordering and reliable delivery of top-quality flower gifts.

Shop for the Best Flower Gifts in North Melbourne

What sets our floral arrangements apart from the rest is that they are lovingly made by hand by passionate partners who speak the language of flowers. We make use of floriography and not just of the principles of flower arranging to craft floral designs that speak to the heart. When you order from us, expect flower gifts that are meaningful, expressive, and capable of articulating your thoughts and feelings.

Shop for a bouquet or two today and see for yourself why many choose Lily’s Florist.