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Let us create a heartwarming ensemble of blooms and greenery for you or for someone you love. Order a bouquet today and see what a bunch of handpicked fresh blooms can do to your or your loved one’s mood and well-being. Fresh flowers are not just for decorating and prettifying spaces. They can also be instruments of communication, of spreading good vibes, and of connecting with faraway loved ones.  

Best Bouquets in Dandenong, Melbourne

Shop at Lily’s Florist Dandenong today and get in touch with those you hold dear in your heart through the power of fresh flowers. Now, you can easily express different sentiments in a much more thoughtful way. Sure, you can always use technology to keep in touch with family and friends who live miles away from you; but there is nothing like the joy and delight of receiving thoughtful gifts for no reason. Let our fresh flower arrangements be your sweet little surprise to Mum to say “Thank you,” or to your sister to say “Congratulations on your new baby.”

Find the best bouquets to express your love right here at Lily’s Florist. 

Affordable Flowers and Gifts to Dandenong

Should you need birthday flowers, anniversary rose bouquets, sympathy flowers, and hospital-friendly get well flower gifts, just browse our full flower collection. We offer a wide array of fresh flower gifts to suit every occasion and every budget. You can even get discounts up to $21 off on selected flower packages.
Little treats to add to your bouquet are also available. We have chocolates, teddy bears, glass vases, balloons, and wines that can make floral gifts extra special.

If you’re unsure of the kind of flower gift to send, you can always count on our Florist’s Choice. 

Lily’s Florist Express Same Day Delivery

We offer same-day delivery to anywhere in Dandenong, too. Just order before 2:00PM for same-day delivery during Mondays to Fridays. Please order before 10:00 AM for Saturday same day delivery. Our florists can bring fresh flowers and gift baskets not just to homes but also to commercial and business addresses. 

Shop now at Lily’s Florist and send love and good vibes to someone’s way through fresh flowers.