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Still can’t find a great florist in your area? Just shop online, then, at Lily’s Florist. We are a trusted online florist servicing Jesmond, NSW. We are ready to provide you with an assortment of fresh flower gifts for different occasions at prices that are easy on the pocket. View our collections today and see various floral creations prepared by skilled and talented florists.

Jesmond Flower Delivery NSW

When you need a breathtaking display of fresh-cut flowers, just go online and conveniently shop at Lily’s Florist. We’ve ensured buying floral gifts for your loved ones won’t be a hassle. Our quick and easy ordering process allows you to send bouquets and bunches to your loved ones in Jesmond in just a few clicks. We’re here to eliminate the stress of finding a dependable florist. We are also here to save you time and money and ensure you get the best blooms perfect for that special occasion.

Lily’s Florist offers next-day and same-day delivery. For last-minute flower gifting needs, just complete the checkout before 2 PM Monday to Friday in the recipient’s time zone and before 10 AM Saturday. We deliver to homes, hospitals, schools, churches, aged care facilities, and business addresses in and around Jesmond.

Flowers at 15% Off – Lily’s Florist

Our broad selection of florist-arranged bouquets and bunches includes flower arrangements at discounted prices. You can get up to 15% off on selected floral creations. Some even come with a free vase or a box of chocolates at no extra cost. From time to time, we offer extra discounts so you can send flower gifts to as many people as you want.

Don’t forget to check our On Sale section, too for savings up to $21 off!

You Can’t Go Wrong with A Florist’s Choice

And if you’re overwhelmed by the multitude of gifting choices, don’t worry. Just browse our Florist’s Choice section for our all-occasion, no-fail flower gifts. These floral designs feature the day’s freshest blossoms selected by our partner florists. You won’t see how they’ll look upon ordering but trust that they’ll be filled with a lush assembly of the prettiest and freshest flowers. Consider it a double surprise - for you and the lucky recipient.

Shop today at Lily’s Florist and treat someone you care about to a flower gift she isn’t expecting. A small surprise on an ordinary day will surely make a huge difference in her day.