
Featured Flowers

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Lily’s Florist’s fresh flower creations delivered fast to your doorstep

Slow down, friend. Breathe in and out. Relax because things are about to get lighter now that Lily’s Florist has come to town!

Lily’s Florist delivers same-day flower bouquets hand-arranged by our expert partner florists. Our bouquets and bunch arrangements are filled with beautiful fresh flowers designed with love and dedication to cater the best flowers for the important moments in your life.

Our floral gifts can be delivered the same day. All you have to do is order prior to 2 PM on a weekday and 10 AM on Saturdays so your family and friends can receive the flowers the same day. Take a break from the daily hustle of life as you order conveniently from our website which is easily accessible via your iPhone, Android phone, laptop, or desktop computer.

As you shop, take note of your personal preferences or your recipients if you are sending the flowers. Will yellow flowers match your home’s aura? Is your recipient fond of red or something fragrant? You can also shop depending on the occasion as our flowers are classified to birthday flowers, new baby flowers, get-well flowers, and sympathy flowers.

Pair your selected bouquet with our coolest gift items like chocolates, balloons, teddy bears, and even a bottle of wine. For your questions and special instructions, you may contact us through live chat, email, and telephone hotline.

Lily’s Florist’s Featured Flower Bunch of the Day

Rose, Gerbera, and Lily Bunch is one of our bestsellers because it is a powerhouse combo showing off the best qualities of your over-all favourite blooms in pink and white tones enveloped in majestic greenery.  It is a delightful rendition of your thoughts whether it is friendly bordering to romantic.

What does it represent?

A pink rose symbolise femininity while a pink gerbera daisy is all about admiration. On the other hand, white lilies are an epitome of purity. Put them all together and you get a charming floral gift that says, “The woman in you is what makes you beautiful and pure in heart.”

This floral head turner can also be a gift for someone who just gave birth or is about to take on a new journey because Rose, Gerbera and Lily bunch is also about welcoming new beginnings.
Enjoy your shopping here at Lily’s Florist!