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​Lily’s Florist - Perth's best online florist!

Have you ever sent flowers to your loved one for no particular reason? If yes, do you remember how happy your unexpected gift made her feel? If not, now is the chance for you to do so and Lily’s Florist is here to help you!

Check out flower arrangements, bouquets and floral bunches and find an assortment of beautiful flowers gifts that you can send to surprise the one you love. No need to wait for a special occasion to let your beloved know how special she is for you. A “just because” gift of fresh flowers from Lily’s Florist is all you need to make her feel special.

Don’t worry about the cost, our flowers are guaranteed to be pocket-friendly. In fact, you can get a rose in a bud vase for just $38. Our great value flowers also include floral bunches with free chocolates or a free vase. Boxed arrangements at Lily’s Florist can go as low as $54 and wrapped bouquets start at $28 only.

Here at Lily’s  Florist, we believe in the importance of sending flowers “just because.” Such gift can make the recipient feel adored, appreciated, thought of and worthy of your affection.

Just Because Flowers Delivered Same Day to Rockingham

on. Sending flowers for no reason at all is also a great way to let someone know that she is in your thoughts. When circumstances prevent us to see or be with our loved ones, sending beautiful flowers can help keep us connected. A bouquet of fresh blooms is the perfect gift to send to faraway relative or to a dear friend celebrating her birthday but whom you can’t personally greet and celebrate with.

Flowers also make beautiful gifts to keep in contact with friends whom you lost touch with. The gift of fresh blooms can also help strengthen relationships and friendships. Let a friend know that you’re always there for her by sending a reminder through a posy of yellow blossoms. Put your partner in a good mood with a dozen red roses send to her workplace.

Sending flowers for no apparent reason is a unique and special way to show your love and care for the people you value. So don’t miss the opportunity to make someone feel good. Shop for just because flowers today at Lily’s Florist.

Beautiful Flower Gifts Prepared by Lily's Florist

We have a wide assortment of flower gifts for every recipient. For your wife or girlfriend, we recommend our rose bouquets and pink flower arrangements. For your Mum, sister, aunt, or mother-in-law, our elegant vase arrangements would be perfect. Sending flowers to your best friend? Our Floriade bunch or our gerbera arrangement will certainly make her day.

Need flowers with an extra gift? We have bright blooms in a box paired with sparkling wine. Also available are colourful flowers accompanied by a basket of handpicked fresh fruits. Looking for something really sweet? Pick one from our flower gifts paired with a box of delectable chocolates. We also have a selection of gift hampers composed of specially curated goodies such as cheese, nuts cookies, candies and gourmet chocolates.

Whichever floral ensemble you pick, don’t forget to include a message to make your present more personal.

What are you waiting for? Order flowers right now and let Lily’s Florist deliver it to someone you love. We deliver fresh flowers to homes and offices as well as to churches, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes in and around Rockingham. Our partner florists hand-deliver flower gifts to addresses around Rockingham Beach Primary School, Safety Bay Senior High School, Kolbe Catholic College, South Coast Baptist College, and Murdoch University-Rockingham Campus. We also deliver flowers and gift hampers to residential and commercial addresses around Rockingham Centre, Rockingham Foreshore Reserve, Rotary Park, and Churchill Park.

Shop at Lily’s Florist and enjoy the convenience of online flower shopping. Place an order before 2PM M-F for fast same-day flower delivery.