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Speedy same day delivery of handmade flower bouquets by Lily’s Florist 

“Wow, so sweet...”
“Truly heaven-sent...”
“Absolutely amazing...”
You keep hearing this from your neighbour-friend and you don’t know whether to cringe or admire in response. It makes you wonder what makes them so cheery that you cannot help but absorb the positivity and love being around them more.
One day, she just says...”Another bouquet of flowers again! Let me put this first in a vase and get back to you, love.” She hangs up and you totally discovered her secret to a happy life – a regular bouquet of fresh flowers on her doorstep!
It’s going to be a happy day in Shortland today when you send flowers from Lily’s Florist! Your best same-day online delivery florist in town!
Want to send same day flowers? Order before 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays.
Our hardworking team exclusively uses fresh locally-sourced flowers designed by hand by our skilled partner florists. When in doubt on what to give to your family and friends, flowers are always a wise choice because it will surely be loved by your recipient.
Lily’s Florist’s website is open for your online delivery orders. Check our categorized flowers showcasing various bouquets arranged according to the occasion may it be a joyful or solemn one – our partner florists will only provide you the best.
Why flowers deserve a spot in your happy habits list this year?
Nature plays a vital role in everyone’s day. Aside from being a source of oxygen, it makes the surroundings more beautiful thus making people around, happier! Lucky you, there’s nature on-demand for you through flowers!
Receiving flowers release happy hormones – Why so? The fragrant of flowers gives off a scent that activates endorphins, a hormone responsible for our euphoric feeling.  It means that when you send flowers to someone, you are surely sending blissful vibes as well.
The colours of flowers tell you something – Whether it is red or blue, violet or yellow, the hue of each flower symbolises a thought, an emotion, a message that can be of help either to you or someone who needs it more like a friend or a loved one.
It’s easy to access it – Designer blooms which are great for gifts can be conveniently purchased and delivered through online shops like Lily’s Florist. What are you waiting for? Order now!